Etapa FINAL: Travesía Mediterranean Coast Challenge Benidorm
IV Copa de España de Aguas Abiertas ETAPA FINAL : Mediterranean Coast Challenge Benidorm Inscripciones: 25 -45€ Distancia máster Copa: 5.5Km[…]
Leer másIV Copa de España de Aguas Abiertas ETAPA FINAL : Mediterranean Coast Challenge Benidorm Inscripciones: 25 -45€ Distancia máster Copa: 5.5Km[…]
Leer másPitch Beach 2018 is an International Tournament taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, between July 19th-21st, in separate locations: at the beach and on the pitch (indoor court volleyball and indoor swimming)!
Pitch Beach 2018 is hosted and organized by Boys Just Wanna Have Fun – Sports Club, and their teams Dark Horses Rugby, Lisbon Crows Volleyball, Lisboa Poolboys Swim Team and Lisbon Foxes – Football Team.
For the last seven years, the participating teams enjoyed being in Lisbon and took part in rugby,volleyball,swimming and football tournaments which turned out very successful.
Lisboa Poolboys Swim Team, was born in November 2014, motivated to include portuguese swimmers in the international circuit. They already brought home medals from the Eurogames 2015 and have been in national tournaments gathering more podium positions and success. Check them out at their official facebook page.
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Leer másPor tercer año consecutivo, la Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid ha concedido a Halegatos[…]
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