Club Halegatos

19th Prague Rainbow Spring, 2018

Already for the 19th time we invite LGBT sport fans from all over Europe to Prague. Every year we make new friends, every year we can’t wait to see you.

Prague Rainbow Spring is an international sports tournament for LGBT athlets, their friends, colleagues and supporters. Also this time we expect more than 400 participants from many countries to compete in volleyball, badminton, swimming and beachvolleyball.

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29th XMAS Tournament 2017, Frankfurt

Dear Friends!

From December 1st till 3rd the FVV XMAS Tournament is to take place in Frankfurt for the 29th time as the final highlight of the gay and lesbian sporting season. We’re delighted to once again welcome more than 1,000 athletes from all over Europe as our guests, to compete and party together, to see old friends and to make new ones. Hopefully, you’ll have a lot of fun, exciting competitions, and a great time with us in Frankfurt!

Warm regards, your FVV XMAS Team

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Paris 2018 – Gay Games 10

Since 1982, the Gay Games have brought together people from all over the world, with diversity, respect, equality, solidarity, and sharing.
With sport a common theme for inclusion, the Gay Games are open to all, young or old, athlete or artist, experienced or novice, gay or straight.
For athletes, artists, supporters, spectators, donors, volunteers, conference participants, sponsors, or simply anyone interested in this project, everyone has a role to play at the Gay Games and help to progress our society.
Rendez-vous in Paris in 2018, where we will share together some moments rich in emotion.

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Samarucs Jocs Taronja

Samarucs Jocs Taronja se ralizará en VALÈNCIA del 2 al 4 de marzo de 2018.

Es el torneo deportivo internacional que organiza el Club Esportiu LGTB+ Samarucs Valencia.
JOCS TARONJA es un torneo de visibilización y reivindicación LGTB+, de lucha contra la homofobia en el deporte, en pro de la normalización de la diversidad de opción y de identidad sexual y de rechazo de cualquier discriminación
Este torneo se caracteriza por la deportividad, la pluralidad y el respeto entre las personas con independencia de su orientación, identidad y opción sexual.
Diferente, divertido, con aportaciones significativas que marcan una diferencia en la puesta en escena, con todo el rigor que exigen la Federaciones Deportivas implicadas. Aporta soluciones inclusivas que en la normativa actual no están previstas porque obvian la diversidad de opción y de identidad sexual.

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